Orange Fundraiser Thermometer with a shattered and overflowing top and the building schematics and the text "Goal: $1.5 Million GOAL COMPLETE!"


The Agricultural Center Committee has big news.

With our community and committee members, Colby Public Schools is excited to announce that we have reached our fundraising goal of $1.5 Million! What started as a delayed part of the original Colby High School plans from the late 1990s will be realized for our current students.

We have met with local contractors and were able to make changes to the design. Changes won't affect the programming, but we have reduced the estimated cost to $1,479,914.43 to complete the building and a greenhouse! 

With the presentation of a check from the Pete Henry Foundation at our CHS Senior Awards night, we have met the $1,500,000 goal. Mr. Rundel, CHS FFA Advisor, is looking forward to this new building and what it can mean to our ag community. "A new agricultural building can serve as a hub for community events, workshops, and demonstrations. It can help strengthen connections between our school and the local farming community, providing networking opportunities for our students."

Thank you to all of our donors for helping us make this a reality!

For more info, click here:  Building Our Ag.

Some of our donors:

The Thomas County Community Foundation was pleased to be able to fund a grant request for USD 315 Colby Public Schools Ag Building project. Funds were made possible through their TCCF Patricia A. Embree fund and their Dane G. Hansen grant fund for Thomas County. Congratulations on receiving $25,000!

The money is continuing to add up!   Foley Equipment has donated $10,000 toward our new Ag Ed Tech Building.  We are over ONE MILLION DOLLARS!

Farmers & Merchants Bank has donated $50,000 toward our new Agriculture Education & Technology Building, bringing our total to over $900,000.

CHS FFA students, CHS Principal Ryan Muhlig, CPS Superintendent Katina Brenn, and CHS School Board President Kris Lemman accepted a check from Farmers & Merchants Bank President Brent Wiedeman and other representatives at the future site of our new building.

With this check, Farmers and Merchants Bank has reinforced that they invest in strengthening our community for our future. Thank you for helping us continue to improve Colby Public Schools for our students!

CHS Principal, Ryan Muhlig, accepts a check from the Thomas County Diversion Fund

CHS Principal, Ryan Muhlig, accepts a check from the Thomas County Attorney Diversion Fund.

Christopher Rohr, Thomas County Attorney presents check to AgEdTechBuilding.

Thomas County Attorney, Christopher Rohr, presents a check from the Thomas County Attorney Diversion Fund.

Mason and Max Kersenbrock, CHS students, presented a check to CHS Principal Ryan Muhlig on behalf of the Kersenbrock Family.

Mason and Max Kersenbrock, CHS students, presented a check to CHS Principal Ryan Muhlig on behalf of the Kersenbrock Family.